Wednesday, 11 March 2009

A Good Day

I'd like to put up a really positive post. Isabella has been developing by leaps and bounds - she's walking now, she's somewhat talking, and she's using sign language. She's been able to say dog, bird, baby, and can make signs for bird, baby, all done, poopy, more, and hello. Dog comes out like "daaaaahhhhh", bird "biirrhh", and baby is "baybay." Bird was her first sign, even though it's a bit more complicated than others. I wasn't sure if she really knew the sign corresponded to the animal, but when a huge hawk flew over us she pointed to it and then made the sign - I was blown away! Like most babies, she's really interested in learning everything and pays close attention when I'm trying to teach her something. I have a lot of videos I have yet to upload and share and will try to put a few more up here as I can. For now, please enjoy this video of Isabella walking on this bright, sunny, English morning.


Anonymous said...

Goodness that is too cute! Makes me fondly remember the days of Gianna's first steps. It's amazing how quickly you'll find yourself running, literally running around after her. Keep posting video! She's adorable!

Anonymous said...

The boys love this video! I had to play it for them like 10 times. They giggled and howled the whole time. They find babies fascinating, and they argue over who gets Victoria's attention, "she's my baby". Tuesday is the day I can catch up at home because that's the only day the boys don't have to attend pre-school.
