Here's the baby - I think it's pretty clear, but the head is
on the left and the baby is laying on its back
with the hand by the mouth and the legs
kicking the side of my uterus :)

In this one, the baby looks limbless and is laying face
down - Pedro likes it because it looks like an
Atari character
Tanto el bebé como la mamá se ven
muy bien.Los abuelos acá en
Puerto Rico estamos muy contentos
con el nuevo nieto/a.
Felicidades y nos informan del
Que DIOS,los bendiga.
Aida y Willie.
Muchas felicidades!!!!!! Se ven muyyyy bien. Congrats!!!!! We are going to have an english..(man or woman) for a nephew or niece. Keep us posted. Daniel and Estela are waiting for it!!!!!
Estamos preparados para lo que sea
hembra o varón lo querremos
Les queremos mucho,
Aida y Willie.
gracias a todos!
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