There's no special belly shot for this week because when I hit 27 weeks we were on our way back from Athens. We spent three wonderful days there, ate lots of cheese and savory foods, and had excellent baklava. It seemed like the perfect time of year to travel there - no crowds and temperate weather. The Greek people we met were always extra nice to us after seeing my protruding belly - people gave up their seats, smiled a lot, and I even got two good luck gifts from a couple of shop owners (including one to ward off the evil eye)! Now that we're back, I have a couple of appointments to monitor my low platelet count - hopefully all has normalized - I feel great. I am beginning to slow down a bit more though, and I had to take a lot of rest stops while we were walking around Athens.
In other news, this coming Thursday is also not only Thanksgiving but our 7th wedding anniversary!!!
Te ves preciosa!!!!!!! Espero que todo con tu salud se normalice!!!!Ya saben si es nena o nene???? quieren saber?????? POr aca todo bien grias a Dios.
Gracias por los comentarios. Ya sabemos que es una nena. Se va a llamar Isabella Aida. April ya esta mejorandose del catarro que le dio. Cuidenses mucho. Abrasos y besos.
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