I finally got a little time this evening to update the world on all things Isabella. I hadn't made any posts for a while, largely because I wasn't sure if many people were checking the blog anymore. But, I got a few emails about it this week - so I encourage you to post comments when you can, it motivates me to keep you all posted!
The title of this post is SLEEP, because I could really use some. One routine we haven't mastered is the going down for the night and staying down for at least four hours. Last night, Isabella was up every 2 hours - just like a newborn. Meanwhile, all my friends at my postnatal group boast of how their little ones are sleeping through the night like pros. For the record, a baby "sleeps through the night" when they sleep for at least 6 hours straight. I don't think this has ever happened for us - even once. We never used a pacifier for her, which has been great for everyone but me...because I have become the human pacifier. Many times over, we've suspected that she's teething - but she only pulls this routine at bedtime. What to do, what to do?
I've also started Isabella on solids - we're going very slow with this at the moment because she still really loves and needs her milk. But I've heard that solids will help with the whole sleep thing. The only things she's tried so far are baby rice mixed with breastmilk, and mama's homestyle apricot puree. She seems to really like the whole process of getting fed with a spoon. (I'll post token messy baby face photos soon.) All said, may Isabella and I get the sleep with both badly need tonight.
In other news, Isabella is now 5 months old and three weeks. She doesn't sit up by herself yet, but I got her a second-hand Bumbo and she loves the new and unfettered access to her toes. Her toes, by the way, have become her new day-pacifier and she sucks away at them with wild abandon. As ever, she loves spending times rocking herself on our laps, standing with help, and splashing like crazy in the bath. I got her a baby mirror that thrills her to bits. She has also discovered the joys of petting Tracia (who has, in turn, discovered the joy of a new petter). Every day with this little girl is the most amazing experience I've ever had.