Sunday 17 August 2008

Green Mums Article

I finally was able to find the article on "Green Mums" that the Peterborough Evening Telegraph published in early July. You can find it by clicking here. Note that Hannah Gray, the interviewer, Anglicized some of the things I said; some of my Americanisms must have thrown her...


Anonymous said...

That is awesome, April!! The way you raise your daughter reminds me of the way the babies in our families were raised. How many blenders have you burnt out? I think my mom burnt out too many to count.

I am trying to be alot greener, but it is hard in Augusta. It is getting a little better but it is still not promoted much. I am looking for a environmental / conservation organization to volunteer for in Augusta. Any ideas?

Anonymous said...

So what americanisms did they correct? Besides, nappies I didn't notice it. Yay on being featured in the article! *clap clap

Aida y Willie said...

El articulo esta interesante y lo mas importante es que Isabella esta desarrollandose saludable.Esta comiendo y criandose como en los años 1930 al 1950 en Puerto Rico,donde no eso volveremos con el tiempo.Es verdad que la ropa de bebes es muy cara ya que crecen rapidamente.Podria establecerse un intercambio de ropa,zapatos,etc.a traves del internet.
Mi nieta cada dia esta mas hermosa y saludable.Quisiera tenerla mas cerca para poder pasar tiempo con ella.
Aida y Willie.

April said...

Mary - I working with the Savannah Riverkeeper down there for two years and I loved it. They can always use more volunteers and the work is both scientific (for your resume) and rewarding (for your soul :)). Frank Carl was my mentor and I miss very much working with him.

Monique - I don't think she was expecting to hear an American voice when she called me - she adapted phrases like "brushing" to "cleaning [your teeth]", "wastage", etc - just words that I don't usually use.

Don Willie y Doña Aida - Gracias por su comentario - es verdad que los metodos de ser "green" son como de los anos de antes, pero como estamos acostumbrados ya no nos damos cuenta - en otras palabras, es cuestión de acostumbrarse y pensar un poquito diferente. Me imagino que necesitaré usar pañales deshechables cuando yo empieze con mi trabajo nuevo - el daycare no usa pañales reusables, ni comida preparada en casa por el riesgo de contaminación. Esperamos verles pronto. XOXO