Saturday, 27 October 2007

24 Weeks

Well, I've got six full months of pregnancy under my belt, so to speak. Things are going really well, I feel good, I have high energy, and I've been trying to do a little bit of pregnancy yoga to ease my constant leg cramps (as well as eating tons of bananas).

One thing that I've been really preoccupied about is the issue of diapers. Pedro and I both agreed that we are willing to try using cloth diapers, so I've been doing lots of research into the easiest ways of going about it. For those of you who have used cloth diapers - what brands, if any, do you recommend?

Ya pasaron seis meses del embarazo. Todo esta bien, me siento bien, tengo mucha energía, y habia tratado de hacer un poquito de yoga para aliviar los dolores de las piernas (y como muchas bananas). Una cosa que me preocupa es la cuestión de pañales de tela. Pedro y yo estamos de acuerdo que queremos usar pañales de tela, y he hacido unas investigaciónes en las maneras mas fáciles en hacerlo – pero hay tantas opciónes…. ¿Hay alguien que nos pueda recomendar una marca distinta?

Friday, 19 October 2007

23 weeks!

This is the ultrasound scan picture that was taken back during my 21st week of pregnancy, when we found out that the baby is most likely going to be a girl. I finally got around to photographing the picture (our scanner isn't working), so here it is! I think she looks a little like Pedro, but when I told Pedro that, he reacted as if I thought she'd come out of the womb with his mustache and beard!

Esta es la foto del sonograma segundo (de la semana 21 del embarazo), cuando averiguamos que la bébé es una nena. Yo creo que ella parece a Pedro – pero cuando yo lo dijé eso a Pedro, él reaccionó como ella iba a salir con su barba y bigote! Jaja...

Esta es una foto de hoy - la empezada de la semana 23 del embarazo. Doña Aida me regaló esta camisa (no es una camisa de maternidad, pero me queda perfectamente bien). He recibido muchos regalos de todo el mundo para la maternidad y la bébé – GRACIAS at todos!!! (Si alguien sabe un shortcut de poner las letras correctas – con acentos, etc – dejame saber por favor! Tengo muchos dificultades con el teclado y el mecanographía.)

This is a photo of me on the first day (today) of my 23rd week of pregnancy. Doña Aida sent me this top from Puerto Rico (it’s not a maternity top but it fits me perfectly!). I have received a lot of gifts from everyone for my maternity and for the baby – again, thank you all – it really means a lot! (On a side note – I’m trying to practice my typing in correct Spanish but it’s taking me forever to figure out the keyboard accents – so if anyone knows any shortcuts, please let me know!).

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Switzerland at 22 Weeks

We took a little three day trip to Switzerland over the weekend and took in some beautiful sights of the southern Alps. We did some hiking, some eating, and got in plenty of excellent Swiss chocolate. The pictures here are of us in a place called Gornergrat, near Zermatt (in the south). In the background you see a few glaciers that are part of the mountain range that includes the famous Matterhorn.
We hiked from an area a bit further down from here and walked the trail for a couple of hours. The exercise feels great - it's not having continual access to a bathroom that really stinks.

April in our hotel in Zurich - 22 weeks

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

It's a GIRL!

telling Pedro the news

We had the ultrasound done yesterday. The baby seems to be developing on schedule and normally - all of her measurements were good, her organs looked healthy, and her head is getting bigger!

My friend Jessi was here for a visit all the way from Minnesota, and luckily, she was able to be there. Unfortunately, Pedro wasn't! We had to arrive separately because Pedro was working, and on his way, he got stuck in a horrible traffic jam because of an accident in which they closed down the road. So the good news was slightly overshadowed by worrying what happened to him (we only have one cell phone) - we knew there had been an accident on his route. I asked the midwife to wait until Pedro got there before telling me what the sex of the baby was, and we waited until they were closing before the midwife couldn't wait any longer. Had he gotten there before the clinic closed, she was going to let us do the ultrasound again so that Pedro could get a chance to see - poor Pedro!

BUT - he made it out safely but could only get back to his job. Once I found out what happened, I drove there to tell him in person. It's a girl and we're VERY excited!!!!

Jessi, me, and Lentil in London
(Pedro on photography)