Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Postnatal Parents Group

He estado iendo a un grupo postnatal que se reune cada semana en el pueblito de Oundle. Obviamente, todo el mundo en el grupo ya tiene un bebe (de un edad menos de un ano), pero mi comadrona me alentó a asistir a las clases con una otra mujer embarazada de Upper Benefield (el pueblito donde vivimos – bien cerca de Oundle). La semana pasada, aprendimos a atratar a un infante cuando se esta ahogando – la semana que viene será CPR. Hoy discutieron como destetar. Algunas de las madres en el grupo tenían caras cansadisimas, pero no obstante lograron asistir a la clase. Me alegro mucho que tenemos un red social del apoyo, así que no vivimos cerca de familia. La sistema de cuido en los EEUU debe notar el éxito de programas así en Inglaterra. Perdona los errores gramaticas!

I’ve been going to a postnatal group that meets once a week in Oundle. Obviously, everyone there already has babies (under 1 year) but my midwife encouraged me to go with another pregnant woman in the village who is due around the same time as me. Last week Pedro went also and we learned how to deal with choking – next week is CPR. Today they talked about weaning – it’s amazing how many things you need to consider for babies that you would never otherwise think about! Some of the mothers in the group look so, so tired but they manage to make it out each week just to get together for a little social support – I’m really glad that I’ll have that, especially without any family living anywhere remotely nearby. The healthcare system in the US should really take note of this sort of thing!

Sunday, 27 January 2008

The Baby Shower

Hoy tuve mi baby shower. Habían nueve mujeres quienes me dieron regalos lindos y preciosos. Katherine se lució con toda la preparación – de la comida, los juegos que jugamos, y todo. Recibí un monton de ropita linda y muchos consejos de las que eran mamas entre ellas. Jugamos un juego donde todo el mundo trata de adivinar la medida de mi cintura – me dio mucha gracia cuando algunas de ellas adivinaron que tenia una barriga gigantesca (y yo era una de ellas!). Pasamas un buen tiempo comiendo y bebiendo (ellas tomaron un cocktail de champaña y jugo) – y me impresionaron con su generosidad incredible.

I had my baby shower today. There were nine women who gave me sweet and precious gifts (Corrine, Kat, Kara Lee, Indira, Emily, Mirka, Julia, Juliet, and Janine). Kat went all out on the setup – the food, the games that we played, and everything! I got a ton of cute baby clothes and a lot of advice from the mothers among them. We played one game where everyone tries to guess the size of my waist – it was hilarious (albeit slightly disturbing) when some of them guessed an enormous waist size for me (I was actually one of them!). We had a great time eating and drinking (they got to drink a champagne and juice cocktail) – and they all touched me with their incredible generosity.

37 Weeks

We just got back from walking the dogs and it was incredibly windy! I don't think the belly looks much bigger though, but the baby inside sure feels bigger each day.

Thursday, 24 January 2008

Baby News

I had an appointment with my midwife this morning and she informed me that the baby's head is very well engaged. That's exciting news! At least now I know it's not going to flip over and go breech on me! Don't worry, it doesn't mean I'm about to go into labor, but my body is getting ready for it to definitely happen within the next few weeks...

Saturday, 19 January 2008

36 Weeks - 9 Months!

Bueno, ya pasaron nueve meses del embarazo! Ya que el embarazo dura, en realidad, 10 meses (40 semanas), todavía tengo cuatro semanas mas. Mi amiga Katherine me va a organizar un baby shower la semana que viene, y estoy soñando de la comida que ella va a preparar – como ves, soy toda barriga.

Well, nine months of pregnancy are gone! Since pregnancy is actually 10 months (40 weeks), I still have about four more weeks to go if all goes according to plan. My friend Kat is throwing me a baby shower next weekend and I’m dreaming of the food she’s going to make – as you can see, I’m all belly.

Friday, 11 January 2008

35 Weeks

Before seeing Shakespeare play (Merry Wives of Windsor)
with a friend last night

Bueno, ya llegó la semana numero 35 del embarazo y me siento como un bloque de madera - completamente solida, gruesa, y pesada. Yo camino un poquito mas lento cada día que salgo con los perros - pero por lo menos todavía puedo ejercitarme. Esta mañana me desperté y me levanté a las cuatro y media de la madrugada - no podía dormir ni conseguir un citio comodo en la cama - así que en vez de tratar de dormir me entretuvé mirando el website de eBay. Tenemos una cena formal de la compañía de Pedro en el 2 de Febrero - solamente dos semanas antes de la fecha del parto. Hay que comprar un vestido lindo (y grande) que cubra toda mi barriga enorme - solamente por una ocasión! Es increíble pensar que vamos a ser papa y mama en cuestión de semanas!!!
It took me forever to make the above Spanish translation, but I did it! I'll try to keep up with it.

I'm 35 weeks pregnant now and I feel like a big block of wood - totally solid, thick, and heavy. Each day I left the house to heft my weight around the neighborhood on dog walks I go a bit slower - but at least I can still get myself some exercise. This morning I woke up at 4:30a.m. - I couldn't sleep or find any comfortable position so I just got up - and surfed eBay. I have to find a formal dress for Pedro's company party on February 2nd, which is only two weeks prior to my due date! So after finding nothing fitting in my closet, I have to find a nice (and big) dress that covers my big belly - and just for one time!

It's incredible to think that we're going to be parents in only a matter of weeks!

Friday, 4 January 2008