Friday, 27 June 2008

In the News

I got a phone call from a colleague I volunteered with last year at the Peterborough Environment City Trust's Seeding Sustainable Communities Project. The Daily Telegraph is working on a article about "Green Mums" and they'd like to interview me about cloth diapering. It's not too often that a new mother gets recognition in the newspaper! If anything comes of the article, I'll post a link here on the blog.

In other news, Isabella seems fast on her way to becoming mobile, much to my chagrin. I think I'd like her to stay put (and easy) for just a bit longer - but she seems to have other plans. Yesterday, she furiously kicked and wiggled forward in what appeared to be a precursor to crawling (more like inch-worming). She has also started rocking back and forth when sitting on my lap - it's so cute! I've also found an extremely ticklish spot on her tummy that makes her laugh in the most crazy way - I'll try and catch it on video soon. It's interesting though - as soon as I turn on the camera, she turns into Posh Spice and getting her to smile is something else (why smile, when you can Blue Steel?).

Posh Spice

Derek Zoolander and Blue Steel

Saturday, 21 June 2008

Happy, Serious Girlie

Hi, my name is Isabella. See that hideous warning label on the side of my carseat? That's one of my top three things to touch and look at.

This is me showing my knickers to everyone at my friend Kathryn's birthday party. It was so great, I got party overload and passed out in mama's arms shortly after this was taken.

And this is me, enjoying my room and all of my toys on Father's Day morning. I've finally entered a phase when I spend lots of time in my crib blowing bubbles, singing at the top of my lungs, and thinking deep, deep thoughts.

Saturday, 14 June 2008

Four Months Old - Happy Father's Day!

Isabella turned four months this week. She had her last round of shots for the next eight months. She did marvelously well and I was able to successfully distract her from all three shots with some toys that I brought along. She forgot the pain within seconds. I, on the other hand, seem to be suffering from the pain of food poisoning - which is strange because we think Pedro got it about three weeks ago. Last night I threw up every fifteen minutes for two hours straight. It was a vivid reminder of my labor with Isabella, in which I vomited every few contractions or so. Sickness in labor was something I had never heard of happening to women before - it seemed a very unfair addition to usual pain of labor. Obviously, it was all more than worth it. Now we have a beautiful and happy four-month-old daughter with whom to celebrate Pedro's first father's day. Enjoy the video!

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

Mom and Danny's Visits

braving the rain

my mom, with Danny and Isabellachanging her diaper in Cambridge

outside the houses of parliament in London

at the Texas Embassy restaurant in London

strolling in London

in front of Buckingham Palace

My mom went back home to Minnesota two Saturdays ago. My cousin Danny and his girlfriend flew over from Germany to spend a few days with us while she was here too. So we all hopped on a train into London and stayed in a hotel for two nights before we saw them all off again. We had a wonderful time having family around again and now we're all by our lonesomes again!

The weather here has been weird - some days sunny (yesterday was 84 degrees F), and some days rainy and a bit chilly. We drove through the rain to Stonehenge, saw the site, and pretty much turned back for home right afterwards. I showed my mom as much as I could in the 12 days she was here and we really did have a great time - it was wonderful for her to finally see the baby for the first time.

Now it's back to getting Isabella on a routine. She's been sleeping badly for the last several days, which has been a challenge for us. Tomorrow she has her four month vaccinations - yippee! Can you believe it's been four months?!