Isabella got her first vaccinations yesterday. She slept through the whole visit - that is, right up until the nurse stuck her with two long needles that went a good 1/2 inch into each thigh. She awoke from her sound slumber to the surprise of shots and started to scream differently than I'd ever heard her scream before (and believe me, there are many variations!). For the rest of the day she went from smiley to weakly cranky with a low-grade fever. Our first fever! Not the greatest first experience in the world, but at least we were prepared with Infant's Tylenol which seemed to help. Today she has been very tranquil and sleepy, so I think her immune system is still working hard on taking in the vaccines.
For now, Pedro is working on bottle-feeding her so that I can work this weekend. I haven't talked about it much here, but we were lucky not to have had any nursing trouble - which was one of my greatest worries given that I have so many friends who weren't successful with it. But when it comes to taking a bottle, she fights it. It's been very difficult getting her to feed from it without a huge struggle. In fact, this post is going to be cut short because that struggle is getting louder...
I'm so glad to hear that nursing has been going well because I remembered you were so worried. Keep up the hard work on the bottle-feeding -- it will pay off in the long run. By the time I tried with Ben it was too late and all he did was chew on the nipple. He won't even take the breast milk from a sippy cup. Weaning this kid is going to be one long uphill battle. I'm still trying to figure out how to do it and when to "officially" start.
p.s. Isabella looks great! Such a little beauty.
Hi! Just out of curiosity - about how many ounces each feeding is Ben taking now that he's also on solids? I'll write you an email this weekend!
She is so cute! It looks like she has a lot of personality. My mom likes to look at your updates as well and she says to tell you how adorable Isabella is. Olivia never took a bottle either, but she would drink breast milk from a cup starting at about 4 months. So don't worry if she rejects it!
Only two needles? Lucky little girl! Poor Gianna got three shots and will have three from here on out each time she sees the mean nurse. :(
Kara - Hi! Tell your mom thanks :) We'll keep trying...Isabella will be four months in no time at all though!
Monique - poor little one! I was just so surprised at how deep the needle had to go in.
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