Hello to all. Due to some weird comments we've noticed in the last coupe of postings, we've decided to moderate the comments, so you can still post comments, we just have to approve them first before they get posted. So please, continue posting your comments. Enjoy the new pictures of Isabella.
Hola a todos. Ya que hemos notado algunos comentarios raros, hemos decidido comenzar a moderar los comentarios. Pueden seguir poniendo sus comentarios, la unica diferencia es que April y Yo los tenemos que aprovar antes de que sean puestos en el blog. Fuera de eso, disfruten las ultimas fotos de Isabella.
La bebé se ve muy bonita con mucho pelo y se le ve precioso.Estamos locos por verla nuevamente.Esta muy coqueta con su lazo en la cabeza y ya quiere hablar.
Muchos besitos y hasta pronto.
Aida y Willie.
April, I already left a comment but I'm not sure you got it. Congratulations to you and Pedro! Isabella is beautiful! Look at that hair! I'm so glad you have this blog! I need to know if you received my package. I sent it 4 weeks ago Mon. I'll need to track it if you didn't get it. Please keep in touch. love,Kelly
Kelly - so great to hear from you. NO, I haven't gotten anything from you in the post - sometimes it takes a bit longer to get to our address, though four weeks is a bit odd...I'll let you know as soon as I get it! Do you have a contact email I can reach you at??? Again, it's so nice to hear from you!
What an adorable little girl! I'm so glad you said hi on my blog so I could discover yours. The cloth diapers were one of the first challenges we let go of when Gianna was born. Congrats on your own efforts at it. They look adorable hanging out to dry.
kelly - i don't know if you'll see this but we just got your package today. I'll write to you and send you a thank you card by post!
Hi, April
It's Grandma Bonnie and Grandpa Babe. We are at our friends and we went to your blog to see the baby.
She is soooooooo beautiful. We finally got to see her, you and Pedro. She seems like such a happy baby. We are so happy for you guys.
Do you know when you are coming to the states. For a visit or to stay. Give me a call. Love you and take care. Grandma Bonnie.
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