Yesterday, April 22nd, was Earth Day. Isabella celebrated by donning a super stylish eco-beanie cap and going out to enjoy the sunny day with Daddy, while Mama worked a couple of hours and worried that she wouldn't take anything from the bottle (which she barely did - but still, we persevere). Thanks to Kat for the cute hat!

And here is Isabella's interpretation of Madonna's Atlas pose from this month's Green issue of Vanity Fair. As you can see, my photography skills combined with the genius of my point-and-shoot camera give Annie Leibowitz a run for her money.
She has the most beautiful eyes!
Don't worry - she'll eventually pick up the bottle feeding. Have you tried other nipples? Maybe she would like one where she doesn't have to work as hard to get the milk.
Aw, thanks :) We have tried different nipples, and it's such a waste to keep trying different bottles that don't work!
(By the way, Annie Leibowitz didn't take the cover photo - it was Steven Meisel)
She does have some beautiful eyes!
Have you tried the Nuk nipple? It's the only one Manny would take, and it took a while of persuasive loving by daddy. Manny always opted for breastfeeding from me, but daddy managed to influence the intake of a nipple. If you can't get them, let me know. I'll send you some. I can ususally get them from Target or Babies R Us. If you haven't seen one yet, it just has that real nipple effect. Some babies are just finicky eaters. Ricardo wasn't a problem, but Manny was. I hope you find something that works for your peace of mind.
I have that issue of Vanity Fair.. That is too funny!!
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