Here are some of the photos we've taken during the week. It's been tough and sleepless these last eight days, but incredibly wonderful at the same time.
daddy's little girl - Pedro has been incredible
we toasted Isabella birth and homecoming with champagne
Hooray! I have been waiting patiently for an update and pictures! I'm glad to see you are all doing well. I hope your recovery is going well too!!
Little Izzie (I hope you don't mind the nickname) is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L, (excuse my exuberance and emphasis -I am having some coffee)!!. I wish I could be there to hold her and give her a cuddle.
I hope you are having some success with the breastfeeding and cloth diapers. Email if you ever get a chance (even just to send your number so I can call you!)
I am sending tons of love, hugs and good thoughts your way, Amanda
The cloth diapers are super easy to use. We used regular disposables while Isabella was at the hospital and her first day back, and after doing the switch to cloth I think they are just easier to deal with. I could never get the hang of those stupid sticky plasticky things that tape the disposable diapers together. I'll give a cuddle to Isabella from you in the meantime. April said she will send you an email later. Say hi to Bob and Ben for me. Also, do you recognize the outfit in the last picture of the posting?
I thought that was the outfit I sent but couldn't remember what size I had sent. I'm glad to see she is already making good use of it. It looks smashing!
Hey April & Pedro!!! Como estan? I Hope that you guys are enjoying this magnificent miracle, she is so cute God BLESS HER!!!! Felicitacion tambien a tio y titi Aida por su nueva nietesita. Los AMAMOS MUCHO A TODOS QUE DIOS LOS BENDIGA.
Hooray! I have been waiting patiently for an update and pictures! I'm glad to see you are all doing well. I hope your recovery is going well too!!
Little Izzie (I hope you don't mind the nickname) is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L, (excuse my exuberance and emphasis -I am having some coffee)!!. I wish I could be there to hold her and give her a cuddle.
I hope you are having some success with the breastfeeding and cloth diapers. Email if you ever get a chance (even just to send your number so I can call you!)
I am sending tons of love, hugs and good thoughts your way,
The cloth diapers are super easy to use. We used regular disposables while Isabella was at the hospital and her first day back, and after doing the switch to cloth I think they are just easier to deal with. I could never get the hang of those stupid sticky plasticky things that tape the disposable diapers together. I'll give a cuddle to Isabella from you in the meantime. April said she will send you an email later. Say hi to Bob and Ben for me. Also, do you recognize the outfit in the last picture of the posting?
I thought that was the outfit I sent but couldn't remember what size I had sent. I'm glad to see she is already making good use of it. It looks smashing!
Bob says hi and congrats!
My God. That is the second cutest baby I have ever seen!
You guys can cook. . .
Hey April & Pedro!!! Como estan? I Hope that you guys are enjoying this magnificent miracle, she is so cute God BLESS HER!!!!
Felicitacion tambien a tio y titi Aida por su nueva nietesita. Los AMAMOS MUCHO A TODOS QUE DIOS LOS BENDIGA.
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