Saturday 3 May 2008

2.5 months old


Aida y Willie said...

Está más bella cada día que pasa los padres se ven muy contentos con esa bebé cachetona.Los abuelos estamos muy orgullosos con esa peliroja,queDIOS,la cuide.

Aida y Willie said...

Me encanta ese peinado de "ROQUERA"
y el color de pelo que yo siempre había soñado para una hija( que no tuve) y DIOS,me lo concedió en una bella nieta.
Abuela Aida.

Anonymous said...

Love the picture in which April is holding Isabella upright. Look at that podgy little face!


Anonymous said...

What a BEAUTIFUL baby!

I just found your blog today through another one (40 Weeks) and read through your archives because my baby is also 2 1/2 months old. I really enjoyed seeing your progress through pregnancy (ok, and I'm a bit jealous because you looked fantastic all the way through) and the photos of Isabella - ...

actually, I just now clicked your blog again and see that you have just updated with new pictures. She really is a rockin little girl. Great pictures!